Shipping & returns
Order cancellation can be occurred with a full refund within 15 minutes of order placement. After fifteen minutes, cancellation requires a 15% restocking fee and must be sorted directly with our customer service department -
All supplements returns subject to a 15% restocking fee.
The product must be unopened and in normal condition.
You may return the product within 20 days from the date of purchase.
We may NOT refund you if: the product is opened, has expired, seal is broken, it was a special order or refrigerated, or on-sale item.
Cancellation of a subscription:
Subscription cancellation can be completed with a full refund within 15 minutes of order placement. After 15 minutes, cancellation requires a 15% restocking fee and must be sorted directly with our customer service department -
If the first product of a subscription has already been delivered, a 15% restocking fee will be charged on each of the remaining products.
DISCLAIMER: None of the information expressed here is intended to prevent or treat any disease or specific medical condition. We do not guarantee any products or their results. Please always consult with a health-care provider.
FDA DISCLAIMER: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The FDA has not evaluated these statements.
WARNING: Please consult with a healthcare professional FIRST before starting any products if you are pregnant, nursing, have any allergic reaction to any component of the product, or have any chronic recurring symptoms or illness.